Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Man of Love and Commitment

With deep sense of gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all the hard work; the man, our founding father, had put into building the Country, the Nation from the Third World to the First. His hard work for building Singapore have impacted us, our future generations and generations to come.

Without him, we will not have what we have today. He is a man that we will remember in our hearts. He's also a man of love and commitment who had set good example.

I'm deeply touched by his love he had for the Nation and especially touched by his love for his late wife. He is a man who is truly commited and is able to keep his promise.


He, our founding father, the man who is highly respected, is a man who is irreplaceable - no man could replaced him and there will not be another man like him.

We are proud to be Singaporeans and proud to call Singapore our Home.

Majulah Singapura! One People, One Nation, One Singapore!

You will always be remembered.
May you reunite with the love of your life eternally.
Farewell to a great leader, father of a great Nation. RIP.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


很痛, 你知道吗?
真正 内心的痛, 谁知道呢?

是真的 很痛 很痛...

我想 这痛只能放在内心深处 无人知...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

笑容 • 微笑

确切的说 她只是演技好 让人看不出破绽而已
并不是为了欺骗别人 只是为了欺骗自己
其实她很痛 痛彻心扉 心如刀割
脸上挂着微笑 心里却在流血
或许 有一些人知道她的痛
但无人知道 其实最痛的是什么
无人知的秘密 只有微笑和笑容知道